Boost Your Creativity at the Office

Boost Your Creativity at the Office

How to boost creativity and reduce fatigue at the office:
1.  Fuel Right –  Fruit, Veggies, grains, lean proteins and healthy fats provide energy throughout the day.
2. Don’t Ignore Hunger – When you do finally eat, you’ll make poor choices.  Snack on healthy foods when hunger hits.
3. Take Your Lunch Break – Disconnecting from work mid-day gives you an energy boost and makes your afternoon go more smoothly.
4. Stay Hydrated – Even minor dehydration can cause headaches and make you tired and irritable.  Best way to tell: your urine should be clear or very light yellow.
5. Move Often – If you have a desk job, get up and move at least every hour.  Walk to someone else’s desk rather than email them. Or do a few simple stretches.
6. Breathe – Deep breathing is your body’s built-in energizer.  It is also calming.  Focus on your breathing for a few minutes.  (Breathing not only feels good, it’s mandatory!)
7.  Don’t Multi-Task – Everyone thinks they are good at it, but very few are.  Studies show that it wastes more time than it saves, and it reduces your brain function over time.  (So the next time your boss wants an answer RIGHT NOW…tell him that wouldn’t be a wise choice.  He’ll understand)
-Washington Post